
Holistic Health Bundle

Give your body the opportunity to repair and renew with our Holistic Health Bundle

Our family experienced years of debilitating, persistent challenges to our wellness and if you, too, have suffered from long-lasting health concerns, you’re not alone. It was through our own experience that we created our Holistic Health Bundle to serve you and your wellness. Perhaps you are lacking the energy to simply get out of bed in the morning to care for yourself and your loved ones. Or you are living a restricted life and missing important events or perhaps even years. It can be difficult to pursue career goals or hobbies or to engage in activities that were once enjoyable.

Persistent health challenges can leave you feeling way older than your chronological age and can make it impossible to fully engage with life the way you desire.

Our Holistic Health Bundle

Our Holistic Health Bundle and the lifestyle we teach can help you feel good again. What if there were simple shifts you could make on a consistent basis – despite your current limitations – that could help you regain a sense of normalcy in your daily life? What if you no longer had to measure your energy, and could eradicate the fear of the next downturn in your health?

If you haven’t felt heard or seen before in your journey towards wholeness or if providers have made you feel crazy in the past, that’s all about to change.

We understand your unique needs and have created a caring community of people who understand how much you have battled for your health.

Our Holistic Health Bundle has been carefully curated to help you feel results fast.

You can feel well again. You can create that strong and healthy body and mind that you so desire. And you can regain trust in your body.

Our Holistic Health Bundle helps you prioritize simple daily routines that energize you.

Here are a couple of our favorite recommendations, encompassed in a simple-to-use Holistic Health Bundle to help you start getting back to you.

Holistic Health Bundle
Holistic Health Bundle
Holistic Health Bundle
Holistic Health Bundle

Regain control over your health & wellness with this FREE eBook - 3 Lifestyle Hacks to Help Bring Calm to the Chaos

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Holistic Health Bundle

Below we have outlined the products inside the Holistic Health Bundle

● Lifelong Vitality (LLV)
● Terrazyme Digestive Enzyme Complex
● PB Assist
● On Guard
● Frankincense
● Lavender
● Tangerine
● Balance
● Deep Blue Rub

Have a detailed look at each of the products inside this bundle below!

Holistic Health Bundle

Lifelong Vitality (LLV)

Our bodies are quite magnificent in their desire and ability to regenerate. When that’s not happening one of the root causes is a lack of energy and nutrients to fuel this process. Enter Life Long Vitality. This trio provides antioxidant and DNA protection. Improves Energy. Promotes proper immune, liver and digestive function and is gentle on the stomach. You can read about the variety of beneficial ingredients in this pack here – read about the variety of beneficial ingredients here

Start with 1 of each with breakfast for the first week. 2nd week add a set with lunch. 3rd week add a set around the 2-3 o’clock hour and you will be fueling your body to get to work on repairing.

Holistic Health Bundle

Terrazyme Digestive Enzyme Complex

Enzymes are an important part of our digestive process. They help our body break down what we are eating and absorb the nutrients from our food. Because of modern farming practices we are not getting enough from our food any longer. Fortunately this is really easy to supplement. Terrazyme Digestive Enzyme Complex is a proprietary blend of active whole-food enzymes supporting the digestion of meals so the body doesn’t need to kick up more acid for this critical process.

Simply take 1 before meals.

Holistic Health Bundle

PB Assist

Probiotics are well known in the huge support they offer our digestive and immune systems. What you might not know is none are made quite like this. Probiotics are live cultures that support a healthy balance of the right bacterias in our intestines. This effects not only digestion and our immune function but also our mental and emotional health mental and emotional health.

But when those live cultures hit our stomach acid in a powder form a large % of the live cultures are killed off. So doTERRA solved this problem by dual encapsulating the PB Assist probiotic cultures. The outer capsule dissolves in the stomach acid and the secondary capsule then lands in the intestines to open up there and start getting to work. It’s genius tech.

Take 1 in the morning before food so it has a clear path to where it needs to go.

Holistic Health Bundle

On Guard

On Guard is a blend of oils to naturally and effectively support proper immune function. You can rub on the bottom of your feet or add a drop to an empty gel capsule (included with your package) and take with water 1-2 times a day.

Holistic Health Bundle

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense is an oil that has been used for centuries. It was held in Egyptian tombs along with their jewels and gold. Frankincense helps promote healthy cell function and decreases inflammation when taken internally so you can easily add it to your On Guard capsules. It is comforting and uplifting for our mood and nervous system. You can also apply it on the bottom of the feet morning and night to boost this benefit or use 1 drop under the tongue.

Holistic Health Bundle

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender benefits are widely known. Calming to our system, helping promote restful sleep. May be used for injured skin topically around the wound. To settle your system down for good quality reparative sleep – rub 1 drop into the bottom of each foot including the big toe to quiet the mind. Reapply if you wake during the night and inhale the oil from your hands. Several deep breaths. If you have used Lavender before – wait until you experience the quality and potency of these oils!

Holistic Health Bundle

Tangerine Essential Oil

Tangerine is known for its cleansing properties, and for supporting a healthy immune and respiratory response when ingested. It will gently work on cleaning out the garbage our body is looking to get rid of. It tastes delicious added to your morning glass of water and used throughout the day. You can also place 1 drop in the palm of  your hands, rub together and breath in for an emotional pick me up any time of day. It is also delightful in a diffuser to fill your room with mood boosting benefits for anyone who walks by.

Holistic Health Bundle

Balance Grounding Blend

Balance Grounding Blend will help set a peaceful tone for your day. Apply 1 drop to the bottoms of both feet in the morning before your feet touch the ground. It will help with feelings of overwhelm and a racing mind.

Holistic Health Bundle

Deep Blue Rub

Rounding out this amazing bundle which is Deep Blue Rub. This lotion is an incredible topical aid for what hurts. A little goes a long way. Take a small amount and rub it into sore spots. Hands, lower back, backs of knees and bottom of feet are some favorite places enjoyed by so many. Feel the oils get to work cooling and warming the tissue as the body targets bringing relief to injured tissues.

Holistic Health Bundle
Holistic Health Bundle

Regain control over your health & wellness with this FREE eBook - 3 Lifestyle Hacks to Help Bring Calm to the Chaos

* indicates required

Getting started can be easy. Once you have purchased this bundle, we will send you a short video that walks you through getting started with the products in your Holistic Health Bundle!

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